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2013.9.13 iCAN'14 website has been opened.
July 19-21,2014 iCAN'14 final competition in Sendai
iCAN14 final competition will be held with the event "Science Day
2014 in Sendai.
Show the result
iCAN'14 is open to high school, undergraduate and graduate students in
the world interested in translating rapid-evolving micro-nano technologies
into commercial and industrial applications.
The subject of iCAN'14
"Applications in nano-micro technology for disaster reduction and
Honorary Chair : Masayoshi Esashi, Tohoku University
Local Organizing Chair : Kentaro Totsu, Tohoku University
photo credit: Sendai Tourism and Convention Bureau
MEMS Park Consortium
Tohoku Univ.
Micro System Integration Center (μSIC)